Programming Languages

Thesis Topics

If you are in­ter­ested in writ­ing a the­sis (in Ger­man or Eng­lish) in the scope of one of our re­search top­ics, just come talk to us. It is help­ful if you send us a cur­rent tran­script of your grades, a brief de­scrip­tion of the kind of work you are in­ter­ested in (e.g. more the­o­ret­i­cal, more prac­ti­cal, a pro­gram­ming task, ...), and po­ten­tially rel­e­vant skills you ac­quired out­side of uni­ver­sity. If you are po­ten­tially in­ter­ested in a PhD after you fin­ish, please also tell us.