Das Tübinger Softwareprojekt stellt eine Brücke zwischen Industrie und Lehre dar.
Das "Tübinger Softwareprojekt" ist ein einzigartiges Projekt mit dem Ziel Industrie und Lehre näher aneinanderzuführen. Es ermöglicht Studierenden bereits während Ihres Studiums einen Einblick in echte Softwareprojekte zu erhalten. Studieninhalte können dadurch mit den gemachten Erfahrungen besser verknüpft werden.
In Teams bearbeiten Studierende über den Zeitraum eines Jahres ein Projekt, welches von unseren Industriepartnern gestellt wird.
Projektpartner 2019
Wir freuen uns, in Kooperation mit namhaften
Partnern aus Mittelstand und Industrie auch in diesem Jahr wieder spannende
Projekte anbieten zu können.
Die NovaTec GmbH, ein Kooperationspartner im Tübinger Softwareprojekt, veranstaltet dieses Jahr 3 verschiedene
„Summer Schools“. Alle TeilnehmerInnen der Software Engineering Vorlesung und natürlich auch andere Interessierte sind herzlich dazu eingeladen.
Philipp Gerhard, Software Developer at iPoint-systems gmbh will give an invited guest lecture in Software Engineering and talk about Test Driven Development and Continuous Integration.
Heiko Hütter, Project Manager and Scrum expert at DAASI International will talk about Challenges and best practices in multi-project and multi-product setups using Scrum.
Students present their finished projects and our industry
partners present project proposals for the next iteration of “Das
Tübinger Softwareprojekt”, an industry-acedemia collaboration
with the goal of letting students experience a real software
project as a programmer during their undergraduate studys, or as
a team leader during their graduate studies.
Our TSP Team “Rehality” was granted to join “Dubai 100”. Starting on 13th of January 2017 they will participate in a intensive 100-day programme designed to accelerate the growth of early-stage startups. Only 10 Teams where given this great opportunity.
The participants of the 2016 edition of the industry project „Das
Tübinger Softwareprojekt“ get brought up to speed with git usage
and social coding practices in a half-day workshop at Tübingen
Students participtaing in “Das Tübinger Softwareproject” meet at
a one-day workshop to learn about project management and team
organisation with Scrum.
Graduate students participating in “Das Tübinger Softwareproject”
meet at a one-day workshop to learn about team leadership skills
and their role during the year-long industry-academia
collaboration with the goal of letting students experience a
realistic software engineering project during their studies.
We finish the assignment of student teams for the 2016 edition of
“Das Tübinger Softwareprojekt”, an industry-academia cooperation
for teaching software development and team leadership skills in a
realistic setting. Applicants receive information about their
team assignment per email.
Students present their finished projects and our industry
partners present project proposals for the next iteration of “Das
Tübinger Softwareprojekt”, an industry-acedemia collaboration
with the goal of letting students experience a real software
project as a programmer during their undergraduate studys, or as
a team leader during their graduate studies.